Team Members

Paul Kupfer

Role: Team Leader, Engineering Notebook, CAD, Driver

Paul is a 17 year old Junior in the STEM program at DFHS. He spends a lot of his free time biking. He is in Beta Club and National Honor Society at DFHS.

Tate MacPhail

Role: Builder, Driver

Tate is a 16 year old Junior in the STEM program at DFHS. He spends a lot of his free time playing video games. He is in National Honors Society at DFHS.

Connor Dampier

Role: Builder, Driver

Connor is a15 year old Sophomore in the STEM program at DFHS. He spends a lot of his free time playing video games and golfing. He is in DFHS swim varsity and Beta Club at DFHS.

Jake Maner

Role: Engineering Notebook, Programmer, Drive Coach

Jake is a 16 year old Junior in the STEM program at DFHS. He spends a lot of his free time playing piano, video games, and dungeons and dragons.

Sullivan French

Role: Lead Builder, Drive Coach

Sullivan is a 16 year old Junior in the STEM program at DFHS. He spends a lot of his free time playing video games and drawing. He is in Beta Club and National Honors Society at DFHS, as well as playing soccer.

Simon Oliver

Role: Builder, Scout

Simon is a 15 year old Sophomore in the STEM program at DFHS. He spends a lot of his free time playing video games. He is in DFHS swim varsity and mock trial and DFHS.

Robot Development
Team 7432B started working on their robot in July, but they did not meet very often and did not make a lot of progress up until the regular meetings at school. They will be able to compete in January and Febuary competitions

Team Goals

Our goal for this season is to be able to have a functional robot, compete in at least one competition, and hopefully qualify for the state championship. We hope to finish our robot by the end of November and to be revising it throughout the remainder of November and December. We want to attend a competition in January after going through driver's training and hopefully we will qualify for the state competition. Ideally, we would like to qualify for the Worlds competition as well.